For all programs which have the 2007 pars installed, we have updated the pars for AP, DMR, PID and SA to include new data for Poly and Cushion tracks. You can update your program using the following links:

Fast Capper
The Handy Capper

Note that if you are running Microsoft Vista, read this page first.

Cynthia Publishing Race Files On the Web

Please read the instructions below, and then Click Here for access!


If you are using All-In-One V5, you can use the HDWHelper program.

If you have contacted Handicapper's Data Warehouse with payment information for the month and you still cannot access the files, please send them an e-mail at hdwinfo@earthlink.net  Since their phone lines are under a heavy load, the quickest response will be via e-mail. 


When you access this site, you will be asked for a User Name and Password. Your user name will be your first and last name as they are on the existing bulletin board system. Make sure to type your first and last name with a space between them and use all lower case letters!  Your password will be the same as the BBS but you must type all lower case letters.

Once you gain access, it is pretty self-explanatory.  If you click in the little box next to the file name, you may select several files and use the download cart. Once you have selected the files you want (a maximum of 50 at once), click "Download Now" on the orange bar near the top of the page.  There will be a pause as a java applet is downloaded.  Next, a dialog will ask you if you want to download the files to your hard disk.  Click Yes.  The next dialog determines what directory your files are saved in.  It's set to a default of 
C: \ALLV5\DOWNLOAD.  Just leave it at the default and click OK.  The files will then download, and they'll be in the correct directory for ALL-IN-ONE to find them.  (If you have a program other than ALL-IN-ONE V5, change this to the appropriate download directory.)

You may also right-click on a file name to download files one-by-one and select "Save target as" (Internet Explorer) or "Save link as" (Netscape).

You must have either Internet Explorer 5.0 or Netscape 4.6 or we cannot guarantee that you will be able to download files. AOL 4.0 and 5.0 also work.

If you have contacted Handicapper's Data Warehouse with payment information for the month and you still cannot access the files, please send them an e-mail at hdwinfo@earthlink.net  Since their phone lines are under a heavy load, the quickest response will be via e-mail.  If you have any questions please send e-mail to hdwinfo@earthlink.net.  HDW's voice number is 502-570-0333. Cynthia Publishing's tech number is 707-320-2695.

Cynthia Publishing • 11054 Ventura Boulevard, Suite 377 • Studio City CA 91604
Voice (323) 876-7325 • Fax (323) 874-1591